Giorgio Morandi was born in Bologna on July 20th 1890. Already as a child he shows an amazing artistic predisposition: in 1907 he enrolls at the Accademia di Belle Arti.
His artistic inspirations include Cézanne, Rousseau, Picasso and Derain. He develops a passion for antique Italian art: in 1910 he travels to Florence where he admires the works by Giotto, Masaccio and Uccello. In 1913 he obtains his diploma and begins exhibiting: at the Baglioni Hotel in Bologna together with Licini, Bacchelli, Vespignani and Pozzati, his school mates. Following this exhibition Morandi also forms a bond with the futurist group with whom he will exhibit that same year at the Galleria Sprovieri in Rome.
During the First World War, Morandi will produce about a dozen works which will tend towards the metaphysical movement, set forth by De Chirico. In the 20s, his artworks begin to focus on still lives and more common objects. He participates in the Venice Biennials as well as the Roman Quadrennials: in 1930 and 1935 Morandi will be part of the selection commission. In 1939, the Quadriennial dedicates a whole personal room to his artworks, about 42 oils, 2 drawings ad 12 etchings. He wins the second prize for painting.
In the 1948 Biennials he wins the first prize which renovates the media’s and public’s interest in his production: Morandi begins to be considered as one of the relevant artists of the century.