GLOC (Giorgio Lo Cascio) was born on the 22nd of May 1943 in Inverigo (Como), from a family of painters and textile producers.
Through the years he grew a passion for architecture and in 1970 he finished his degree at the Politecnico in Milan. Since then, his dedication to his job has enabled him to travel the world, designing, drawing and photographing everything that was his inspiration.
Photography has always been another of GLOC’s passions and the transition that has occurred from working with analog cameras and developing images in the dark room, to working with digital cameras and laptops, has not been an easy one. However, having learnt all the necessary skills to operate within the world of digital photography, GLOC suddenly saw the huge potential that this new technology permitted. In 2008, he therefore began his creative experiment with photography as its starting point. His process of digital elaboration has given way to the representation of a virtual reality in which fantasy and authenticity play their parts in creating new atmospheres and suggestions.